Helen Hayes was a very successful American actress. She was born on October 10, 1900, Washingt
on D.C. Helen’s mother Catherine Estelle was an aspiring actress and her father Frank Van Arnum Brown. Her grandparents immigrated form Ireland during the Irish potato famine. Helen married Charles Mac Arther and had children Mary Mac Arther who died at 19 from polio. Hayes adopted son was named James Mac Arther who became an actor. Hayes started to perform at a young age. She participated in many films such as A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Jack the Giant Killer, The Lord Fauntleroy, and much more. Hayes also received several awards for her talent such as an Emmy, A Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony Award. This woman was loved for her role play as the queen in Victoria Regina, and for being down to earth as a Broadway actress. Helen Hayes died March 17, 1993 in Nyack, New York.